Pros and Cons of Mesh Drywall tapes

A drywall panel requires excellent professional skills and talent to look smooth. Drywall mesh tape does not require professional tools, and applying skills is essential to a flawless finish. Herein lies the role of mesh drywall. Let us look at what it is.

What is Mesh Drywall?

Mesh drywall tape is made of fibreglass material which gives strength to the drywall mixture to absorb into the wall completely. Mesh drywall is a standard self-adhesive tape that do-it-yourselfers use for covering cracks and joints quickly. Mesh tape gives a smooth look to the wall so that it does not seem cracked.

Why is Mesh Drywall Tape Used?

You should use mesh drywall tape if you are not an expert, like professional construction contractors who use paper tape. Mesh drywall is an excellent tool for low-level renovation, such as behind cabinets and corners, because it is easy to apply and coat. It is thin and way easier to conceal than other conventional tapes. You will see that it is easier to use on small cracks or patches.

Pros and Cons of Mesh Drywall

When deciding whether to use mesh drywall tape, you should consider what it is capable of. It would be best if you weighed its pros and cons. So, here are some of the pros and cons of self-adhesive mesh tape.


  • It is self-adhesive and sticks to the wall completely
  • It removes air bubbles and gives strength to joints or cracks
  • It is quick to apply and saves much time
  • It does not require professional tools and is very easy to use
  • It requires less mixture or mud to coat and apply
  • It is more moisture resistant due to fibreglass material


  • It isn’t easy to apply by hand or without an applicator
  • It needs a unique applicator to use for corners
  • It is weaker and less versatile than paper tape
  • It requires a setting-type mixture/compound than a general type. Initially, it requires a hot mixture to use with. Otherwise, it won’t work best.
  • It is not best for larger areas that need more time to prepare and apply while mud is drying.
  • It requires extra tools/materials to work with
  • It is costly adding other tools. If you have a budget constraint, then mesh tape is expensive.

These are some advantages and disadvantages of using mesh drywall tape. You should use it the right way and carefully to get the maximum benefit.

We Recommend the Following Drywall Mesh Tapes

1. Nezuiban Drywall Joint Tape

NEZUIBAN Drywall Joint Tape

2. Lyltech Drywall Joint Tape

LYLTECH Drywall Joint

3. Duck Brand 282083 Drywall Tape

Duck Brand

Although mesh drywall tape is easy to apply, it also depends on what kind of mixture you are using and how you get it to the joint using mesh tape. It requires the right way to apply it to give an excellent finish to the wall.